CRV now offers several homozygous polled InSire bulls with a complete profile in its Holstein lineup. One of them, Jeans Hummer PP (Warren P x Launch PP) is a homozygous polled A2A2 and BB bull. Scoring 107 for feed efficiency, he qualifies as a FeedExcel bull. Hummer PP transmits nearly 1,500 kg of milk with +0.13% protein and scores 108 for overall conformation, with 107 for feet and legs and 107 for claw health.
CRV supports farmers with a broad selection of comprehensive bulls

Farmers today have a lot on their minds. CRV can ease their concerns with a lineup of bulls that guarantees a healthy herd, capable of efficient and trouble-free production. With the latest 2024 proof run, CRV’s bull lineup has become even stronger. Farmers now benefit more than ever from CRV’s focus on polled genetics in its breeding program. Additionally, the number of FeedExcel bulls continues to grow, ensuring breeding for a high-producing, healthy herd goes hand in hand with higher margins and lower emissions due to superior feed efficiency.
Exceptional polled Holstein bulls

Willem’s-Hoeve Woody has over 3,000 milking daughters and continues to impress as a FeedExcel bull, transmitting over 2,200 kg of milk with a feed efficiency of 111, 110 overall conformation, and 107 for udder and claw health.

Launch PP’s continuous improvement
Delta Launch PP remains the flagship homozygous polled Red Holstein bull. This proof run data was added from nearly 2,400 daughters, increasing his NVI by 20 points through higher milk production and 200 extra days of longevity. Launch PP excels in transmitting moderate stature with robust, wide front ends. He is a an exceptional feet and leg improver, confirmed by a feet and leg proof of 118 and 112 for claw health.

Following in the footsteps of Launch PP, CRV strengthens its offering of homozygous polled red-and-white bulls. The widely used Delta Holger PP (Candyman P x Jaffa P) has improved further in this index, excelling in both production and conformation. He sires over +1,014 kg of milk with +0.41% fat and +0.23% protein and scores 107 for overall conformation. Additionally, Holger PP offers a flawless profile for health and management traits.

The popular Delta Primetime PP remains an exceptional all-rounder. He sires nearly +489 kg of milk with +0.32% fat and +0.20% protein. He also offers 944 days of longevity, 113 for overall conformation, including 111 for feet and legs, and a +7% CRV Health index, which includes 110 for udder health, 104 for fertility, and 107 for claw health.

Delta Borax keeps his position in third place while slightly improving his breeding values. He now scores 114 for udder health and 108 for overall conformation.

Daughter-proven US bulls demonstrate their qualities
CRV is excited to share highlights from the US breeding program that deliver for health, efficiency, production, and conformation. CRV presents for instance three internationally acclaimed daughter-proven bulls, all of which are FeedExcel sires. These bulls contribute significantly to breeding an efficient and sustainable herd.
One of them, Fustsyn Parfect Parker, has received his first daughter-proven breeding value and is proving to sire well-structured dairy cows with ample depth in their middle section and extra width in their rump. This Parfect son is also an exceptional udder improver. Adding nearly 1,200 lbs of milk with +0.13% fat and +0.07% protein, Parker adds value to the milk cheque. With a breeding value of 107 for feed efficiency, daughters of this FeedExcel bull will require relatively less feed for high production. Parker is A2A2 for beta-casein and BB for kappa-casein, with a TPI of 2,897.

With more than 700 daughters in milk, the production breeding value of Peak Fugleman (Zazzle) now has a reliability of 99%. This FeedExcel bull sires over 175 lbs of fat and protein due to +686 lbs of milk, +0.30% fat, and +0.14% protein with 109 for persistency. Fugleman sires well-attached, wide, and high udders with good udder health. He also improves claw health and has an aAa code of 516.