CRV Health and CRV Efficiency

<p>CRV Health and<br />CRV Efficiency</p>

CRV Health and
CRV Efficiency

Global leader

    CRV Health and CRV Efficiency

    We believe that better cows lead to a better life for farmers, their herds and their environment.

    The foundation of our approach is creating a perfect balance between healthy and efficient cows. After all, the healthier a cow is, the more efficiently it will produce. That is why we are global leader in health and efficiency.

    Indexes CRV Health and CRV Efficiency

    CRV supports farmers in breeding problem-free herds with high longevity that efficiently convert feed into milk and contribute to reducing emissions. CRV's unique and easy-to-use indexes help achieve this goal:

    CRV Health

    A healthy herd makes work more pleasurable and profitable. The CRV Health index improves fertility and udder and hoof health. This has the advantage of making herd management easier and reducing the number of cows that require treatment.

    Important building blocks of CRV Health are fertility, hoof health and udder health.

    The CRV Health index improves fertility and udder and hoof health.

    CRV Efficiency

    An efficient herd has a higher output in kilograms of milk or beef using a lower input of resources. That is better for profitability and for the environment! CRV Efficiency index increases feed efficiency, boosts longevity and the herd’s production levels.

    Important building blocks of CRV Efficiency are production, feed efficiency and longevity.

    CRV Efficiency index increases feed efficiency, boosts longevity and the herd’s production levels.
    View our sires in the cataloque

    Go to the catalogue

    Use the button below to view our health and efficiency portfolio in our catalogue.
    Our sires
    Wilco Vroege, dairy farmer in Dalen, the Netherlands
    “Half of our total costs are for feed. Saving 5 to 10% with breeding adds up to considerable gains”
    Wilco Vroege, dairy farmer in Dalen, the Netherlands

    We believe in proven improvement

    We are driven by progress and we want our farmers to notice improvement in practice on a daily basis. Healthy and efficient cows not only help make their work more enjoyable, they also benefit the environment and contribute to a higher income. That’s why we continually work on creating innovative products, services and breeding values and this is our promise to our dairy farmers:

    Healthy and efficient cows help make work more enjoyable, benefit the environment and contribute to a higher income.

    Leading in health and efficiency

    Together with farmers all over the world, we work on producing healthy and efficient herds. We have been committed to this ambition for years. That is why we are the global leader in health and efficiency, which is an achievement we are proud of!

    • We help farmers breed more efficient cows. CRV is the first and most innovative AI organisation in the world to collect real, individual feed intake data (of >2000 cows annually) which is then used to develop innovative products and breeding values.
    • Cows on the farms of our customers and members have the highest lifetime production in the world with undoubtedly among the highest percentages of fat and protein. The epitome of health and efficiency.
    • We have collected more than 1.6 million units of data on hoof health. A strong and robust foundation that makes it possible for every farmer to breed cows with healthy hooves.

    • Breeding for udder health is easy and effective. We have collected data from over 3 million cows to develop reliable breeding values and indexes at bull and cow level.
    Kees Simons, dairy farmer in Steenbergen, the Netherlands
    “The incidence of mortellaro in my herd has fallen from 26 cases to just six a year”
    Kees Simons, dairy farmer in Steenbergen, the Netherlands

    Sustainability is a priority

    • Did you know that CRV is the first and only organisation worldwide to develop a methane index? So that cows can also contribute to a better environment.
    • The Dairy Breeding Center in Wirdum is the largest centre in Europe dedicated to the production of high quality embryos. This forms the nucleus of the next generation of healthier and more efficient cows.
    • We want to contribute to healthier and more sustainable cows by utilising the latest technology or developing our own tools. For example, CRV was pioneering in the development of genomic selection. Nowadays, our large portfolio of reliable genomic sires breed the next generation of healthier, efficient and more sustainable cows.
    CRV leading in health and efficiency