Press Release: Populair CRV bulls live up to expectations

bull Fleckvieh
Wustensohn Fleckvieh

The index run of April 2023 underlines the reliability and extensive potential of CRV's Fleckvieh breeding program. Daughters of bulls that were already popular as InSire bulls, such as Westwind and Wüstensohn, are exceeding expectations. These bulls are proving themselves as all-round sires at the highest level. This is helping increase confidence in the new, young genomic bulls that are reinforcing CRV's Fleckvieh range across the board.

Westwind and Wüstensohn confirm genomic breeding values

In this index run, a number of CRV bulls that were already popular as InSire bulls were awarded their first breeding values based on the performance of their daughters. These values confirm the genomic breeding values.

Westwind and Wüstensohn, sons of Worldcup, are also living up to their genomic breeding values with their first breeding values based on daughter performance. They follow in their sire's footsteps as suppliers of balanced, dual-purpose cows. For example, Westwind (Worldcup x Epinal) combines a milk index of 116 with +0.15% fat and a beef index of 115. Westwind scores 129 total merit index (TMI) for Fleckvieh, and excels in persistency (breeding value 115). Wüstensohn (Worldcup x Raldi) combines a milk index of 114 with a beef index of 113, and a total merit index (TMI) for Fleckvieh of 130. Wüstensohn’s daughters have excellent udders (breeding value 110) with excellent udder health (breeding value 120). They also have a high life expectancy (breeding value 111).

Fleckvieh bull
Westwind Fleckvieh bull