Do you want more milk production in your herd, more longevity or better hoof health? Crossbreeding with our CrossFit program could be the solution.
CRV Jersey
Jerseys are a very sustainable breed, they use 11% less land, 32% less water, and their carbon footprint is 20% less than other breeds. Jersey is the breed for efficiency and high bottom-line profitability.
CRV has access to the best Jersey genetics from all around the world. With varying breeding goals and bloodlines, you can pick & choose which Jersey fits your herd the best.
Jerseys are unique, the calves have a small birth weight, on average about 60 pounds. In general Jerseys have easy births, the difficult birth rate is less than 1%, this means that the calves have a good start. It is possible to breed Jerseys at a younger age and to get them into the milking herd sooner, because the heifers reach sexual maturity earlier in life.
Are you interested in breeding with Jersey or would you like some more information? Find a representative in your region or request more information via our contact form.