Semi-grazing system

<p>Semi-grazing system</p>

Semi-grazing system

Respond flexibly to milk prices

  • Flexible input
  • Production efficiency
  • Balanced output/ha

Semi-grazing system

In this system, your dairy cows produce milk based upon a ration of predominantly grass supplemented almost year around with silage and bought in feeds. You have infrastructure for feeding or housing. Production efficiency and flexible cost of production are your main focus.

You aim for a balanced output per hectare and production per cow (milk volume or solids). The system has built in flexibility to increase farm output when milk prices are high and decrease costs when milk prices are low.

CRV is dedicated to support you in breeding and managing better cows. The CRV farming system navigator with its 5 step approach supports you in making a breeding plan that fits your specific farming system.

The ideal semi-grazing cow

  • Has a high output (solids or litres) per kg of body weight
  • Is trouble free
  • Does not need personal care at calving
  • Easily takes in fast amounts of grass and supplements
  • Lives long
  • Gets pregnant easily
  • Has a good udder quality
  • Has a medium body weight

Your ideal semi grazing cow is bred by a mixture of grazing and Holstein/Jersey CRV genetics.

Your ideal semi grazing cow is bred by a mixture of grazing and Holstein/Jersey CRV genetics.

5 steps of the CRV farming system navigator

The CRV farming-system navigator with its 5 step approach supports you in making a breeding plan that fits your specific farming system.

Step 1. Farming-
system navigator
Your CRV consultant will assist you in following the navigator to define
your farming system.

Step 2. Breeding goal

Define your breeding goal and check the attention traits for breed and sire selection as indicated in the description of your farming system.

CRV defines 4 farming systems:

  1. Grazing
  2. Semi grazing
  3. Semi mixed ration
  4. Mixed ration

Step 3. Preferred breeds
All CRV breeds can be used for pure breeding as well as for cross breeding. Determine the breed(s) you want to use in your breeding plan.

Step 4. My breeding scheme (sketch)

Your CRV consultant advises you a breeding scheme that fits your personal breeding plan.

Step 5. Sire selection

Choose sires that fit your breeding strategy or use CRV’s advanced mating program SireMatch.

The CRV farming-system navigator with its 5 step approach supports you in making a breeding plan that fits your specific farming system.

Start with the semi-grazing system

Are you interested in the semi-grazing system or would you like some more information? Find a representative in your region or request more information via our contact form.